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5 Signs That Your Sleeping Habits Are Hurting Your Back

5 Signs That Your Sleeping Habits Are Hurting Your Back

5 Signs That Your Sleeping Habits Are Hurting Your Back

When you wake up in the morning, you should feel energized, healthy, and well-rested. This is especially true if you practice good sleep hygiene habits, such as going to bed at the same time each night and getting the right amount of sleep. If you find that you are waking up with the same discomfort as when you went to bed, however, your symptoms are worth a second look. There could be a problem with your mattress, your positioning, or another part of your nightly routine.  

There are a variety of reasons why a person’s sleep habits may contribute to their back pain. The key is finding out why you are having trouble resting—and what you need to do to find relief.

If you suspect that you need to change the way you approach healthful sleep, review the list below. Learning about the most common reasons for poor sleeping habits will tell you if you are doing something unintentional to cause your lower back ache. You will also discover which strategies you can use at home to help improve your sleep hygiene and relieve your chronic back pain.

Waking up in Pain

1. You Are Waking Up in Pain

It is not normal to wake up with a lower back ache, especially if you exercise often and get enough rest each night. According to Healthline, some of the most common causes of back pain in the morning include bad posture, excessive stress, and having an underlying medical condition.

When you wake up in pain for more than a week, consult with your doctor. He or she can tell you if your health status is affecting your sleep or causing lumbar area discomfort. Your doctor can also help you to rule out any chronic medical issues you do not know about.

After you talk to your doctor, swapping out your old mattress can also help to provide you with pain relief. Older mattresses should be replaced with a memory foam design or a quality innerspring product. Many people prefer memory foam mattresses because they are made of material that is especially designed for cradling the spine. If you prefer the more affordable innerspring model or just like the way it feels, make sure the bed you choose supports the curve of your spine at the areas of your neck and your lower back.

While you are taking care of your health and evaluating the performance of your bed, sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent pain when you wake up. This is because the position distributes weight evenly across your body. Being on your back also helps to minimize pressure points in your lumbar area, while making sure your spine stays aligned in the right place.

To further enhance your comfort and spinal alignment, place a pillow under your head and neck. A cushion will help you to stay comfortable in this position. When you use the pillow, it should never fall under your shoulders. This will take your back out of alignment. With these tips, you can help to support your back as you sleep, so you end up feeling better instead of worse when you wake up.

Cannot Get Comfortable

2. You Cannot Get Comfortable at Night

Tossing and turning may help to relieve your discomfort in the short term, but it is not recommended to keep sleeping in this way. Repetitive jerking movements caused by shifting around in the bed can eventually make you feel even more pain and tension in your lower back. If you are finding it difficult to get comfortable at night, there are a few things you can do to get enough rest and avoid more backache.

First, consider changing your sleeping position from the back or stomach. While sleeping on your back is usually the best way to prevent pain, some types of discomfort will require you to position yourself on your side.

As your muscles mend, being on your side can also help you to decrease acute symptoms and catch up on much-needed rest. Alternating sides on a regular basis can help distribute weight evenly across your back. Putting a pillow between your legs can also make you more comfortable at night. Place it between your knees to help align your spine, pelvis, and hips.

Other recommendations for preventing tossing and turning include waking up and going to bed at the same time, even on the weekend. While sleeping in or napping can make you feel like you are caught up on rest, it can also affect your sleep quality at night. Exercising and getting enough sunlight during the day can also help to regulate your body for rest. Avoid bright lights at bedtime and find a relaxing routine that works for you. Yoga, stretches, and deep breathing can help to relieve muscle tension and get you ready for a peaceful, rejuvenating evening.

Back Feels Stiff

3. Your Back Feels Stiff

The wrong resting position can decrease your mobility and make you feel stiff. This only makes pain more unbearable. Sleeping on your stomach is especially risky because it strains your lower back beyond its normal limits. If you like to sleep on your belly but find that your lumbar area hurts when you wake up, it’s time to change your position. Experiment with sleeping on your back and your side to find what works best for you.

If you cannot seem to get comfortable without sleeping on your stomach, be sure to use a thin pillow. Some people also find relief by removing a pillow from under their head and neck and resting flat on the mattress. Placing a small pillow under your pelvis can also help to reduce stiffness and back pain in the morning.

man feeling backache

Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic also recommend that you rule out conditions that often cause morning stiffness and pain. For example, rheumatoid arthritis and viral infections are two health issues that can lead to pain in the body and affect your sleep schedule. Seek out foods that help to reduce inflammation in the back, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. A moderate workout plan of 30 minutes per day, five days per week can also help to loosen your muscles and increase mobility in the lumbar area.

Suffer From Insomnia

4. You Suffer From Insomnia

When you sleep in an uncomfortable position or do not have a quality mattress that supports your spine, you may stay awake at night. Experiencing chronic back pain throughout the day can also contribute to lack of sleep. Unfortunately, this relationship between chronic back pain and insomnia can become a vicious cycle.

Spine Health says that pain and discomfort are the top cause of lost sleep at night. They can also cause difficulty staying asleep and lead to a tendency to wake up earlier than you would like. In addition, WebMD reports that adults are 1.5 times more likely to have back pain if they already experience insomnia.

This is why staying in contact with your primary care physician is so important. If you cannot get to sleep when you are tired or you do not get enough rest even though you want to, it is time to see a doctor. Consult with a physician about how much sleep you are getting, the type of mattress you have, and the sleeping position you prefer. You should also explain your back pain symptoms and tell them if you are taking any medication.

With this information in mind, medical professionals can help you to improve your sleep hygiene. If necessary, they can also get more information about how your body responds to rest through a sleep study. Getting as much information as possible about why you cannot sleep can help you to find a solution for your insomnia and your back pain.

Back Pain Does Not Improve

5. Your Back Pain Does Not Improve

Many types of back pain improve after a couple of days of rest, followed by regular stretching and exercise. Some people find relief from their symptoms by combining physical activity with relaxing, therapeutic treatments. The best therapies allow you to care for your symptoms in the comfort of your home. Using a laser light therapy belt for backaches is one of the best and most convenient ways to get relief from lower back pain.

Using photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), sometimes referred to as low-level light therapy or LLLT, can help. These devices effectively and painlessly penetrate your skin to modulate inflammation and pain in your lower back. Best of all, PBMT devices’ non-ionizing light sources help you find the relief you need without the use of invasive treatments or pharmaceuticals. In just a few minutes per day, you can decrease your symptoms of tension, aching, and swelling.

Along with laser light therapy belts, heat therapy and massage can also help to reduce discomfort in your lumbar area. Some people can even find relief with a combination of heat and ice therapy. Consult with your physician if you have questions about how to apply treatment, especially if you are recovering from a procedure, accident, or health problem. Adults with medical conditions or women who are pregnant should talk to their doctor before trying a heating pad or a massage therapist.

Improving Your Sleep Hygiene & Back Pain

No matter the reason for your symptoms, back pain makes it difficult to sleep. When you do not get enough rest, your muscles can become even more tense than they were before. This only enhances inflammation, decreases mobility, and makes you more likely to experience poor sleep and back pain in the future. It is time to end the cycle of excessive aching and the continuous lack of rest. If you are tired of dealing with back problems, there are changes you can make today.

As soon as you can, adjust your sleeping position and pillows. Different ways of resting are appropriate for certain conditions and symptoms, but you may have to experiment to find out what works best. Search the Internet for various types of memory foam and innerspring mattresses to find the right model for your needs. Reevaluate your exercise plan to make sure you are stretching, completing strength exercises, and getting enough cardiovascular activity to keep your body healthy and your back mobile.

It is also a smart idea to give laser therapy for pain management a try. Laser light therapy belts are a cutting-edge solution for symptoms of lower back pain, offering you a new way to care for mild to moderate aches, muscle spasms, and inflammation. Now that you know more about laser light therapy belts, feel free to explore our devices. We have carefully designed the CuraviUltra™, CuraviPlus™, and CuraviPro™ belts with every lifestyle and need in mind.

curavi pro belt

Finding the Best Laser Light Therapy Belt

For those looking for great coverage, our CuraviUltra™ belt provides a full 420 mW of total laser output, so you can temporarily relieve lower back pain in just 30 minutes. Since it is assembled with high-quality materials by skilled technicians here in the USA, you can rest assured that your device is both durable and dependable.

If you need excellent coverage and up to 800 mW total output, the CuraviPlus™ belt will help to reduce spasms and inflammation with the same pure, non-ionizing light.

When professional-grade coverage is necessary to care for your back aches and reduce insomnia, go with our premier device, the CuraviPro™ belt. A powerful 1000 mW total output can help to provide fast relief from your symptoms.

Lifestyle shot Curavi belt on an American Holiday

There is no one solution for insomnia and back pain, but focusing on your aches, spasms, and inflammation will help to improve your quality of life. Treating your pain as soon as possible can also help to prevent further health problems. Take charge of your life today with the help of a PBMT device. No matter the reason for your symptoms, you deserve comfort throughout your day and a restful night of sleep.

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