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5 Sports That Can Help Ease Back Pain

5 Sports That Can Help Ease Back Pain

Back pain can make it challenging to stay active and energized, especially when you are experiencing symptoms like tightness, aching, and inflammation. Even if you feel discomfort, it is important to exercise regularly. Physical activity can help to ease back pain and reduce stiffness by keeping ligaments and tendons flexible.

When you strengthen your back through exercise, you also help to prevent connective muscle fibers from tearing under stress. It is essential to choose the right activities to ensure you can work out and prevent too much discomfort. The following sports are gentle enough on your lower back to help ease the pain instead of increasing it.

1. Yoga

People of all ages enjoy yoga for lower back pain because it offers a combination of cardiovascular, strength, and stretching routines. This mixture of activities helps to increase your heart rate and strengthen your muscles, all without causing too much strain on your lumbar area. Try some of the most popular types of yoga for back symptoms, including Hatha yoga, Iyengar Yoga, and Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT). Yoga classes are available through online apps, streaming sites, and face-to-face classes.

2. Swimming

Since swimming is a no-impact form of exercise, it is an excellent choice for those who are recovering from back injuries or surgery. It is also an effective cardiovascular workout for athletes who can no longer run long distances or play high impact sports that lead to back discomfort.

To reap the benefits of swimming for back pain, stick to strokes like freestyle or backstroke. These are less strenuous on your lower back than strokes like the breaststroke or butterfly. Consider wearing a snorkel while you swim, which will keep you from having to lift your head and arch your back. While this activity may be gentle on your body, be sure to take a couple of breaks during the week to ensure you do not aggravate tender muscles or recurring injuries.

3. Walking

Walking for back pain has been long recommended by physicians around the world. While it is beneficial for any back discomfort, it is especially helpful for those who are recovering from a lumbar injury or lower back surgery. Walking away lower back pain is one of the safest forms of exercise—and it is also enough to keep the back muscles active while helping to strengthen the abdominal core.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) recommends walking for 10-30 minutes at least once per day when recovering from lower back surgery. Keep the activity interesting by walking outdoors. Spend time in your backyard or a neighborhood park. Bring a water bottle with you while you exercise to ensure you stay hydrated and keep your back muscles healthy.

4. Low Impact Aerobics

Aerobic exercise helps to elevate your heart rate and improve blood circulation. It also decreases back pain and stiffness by enhancing blood flow to your spinal structures and increasing circulation around your back muscles. When you choose low impact aerobics, you can enjoy these benefits while protecting the health of your lower back.
Typical recommendations include a 20-30 minute workout, 3-5 times per week. If you are in pain, you can begin with 5-10 minutes of aerobics at a time. Talk to your doctor if you recently had surgery, suffered a back injury, or have any specific health questions about your exercise plan. Some of the most popular activities include stationary bicycling and using a step machine. If you like swimming, you can also try water aerobics.

5. Tai Chi

Tai chi originated thousands of years ago in ancient China. It is a way to exercise both mind and body and includes both controlled movements and deep breathing. Practicing tai chi is said to help cultivate life energy within while assisting the body in flow more smoothly and powerfully. While it is both relaxing and fun, research has shown that tai chi also improves muscle strength, flexibility, and fitness. As the Arthritis Foundation mentions, it is also shown to help relieve back pain. Beginners can take a tai chi class in their community or find a session online.

Easing Back Pain with Exercise & Laser Therapy

Exercise is an excellent way to enhance your back health. You can also help to reduce pain and inflammation in your lower back with Curavi™ laser light therapy for low back pain relief. In just 30 minutes per day, wearing a Curavi™ Belt equipped with photobiomodulation therapy—also formerly often referred to as low-level laser therapy (LLLT)—can reduce swelling and discomfort without you having to use drugs or schedule an invasive procedure.
Since the pure laser light gives off a gentle warmth in addition to effective treatment, it is also an ideal complement to relaxing after a workout or beginning your day with pain relief.
By caring for your muscles daily, you will ensure you are in shape to complete your low impact exercises. You will also help to prevent further injury by keeping your muscles limber and your abdominal core strong. Do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about any questions regarding your lower back symptoms or exercise plan. Once you are ready to begin your new workout routine, your Curavi™ belt will be there to provide you with the relief you need.
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